Laura Hamilton

Clean energy creates 15 jobs for every $1 million invested compared with 2 jobs for oil and gas

Stephen Harper says economy trumps climate action

The Prime Minister’s comments on the importance of economic growth over climate change action, reported in a recent article in the Toronto Star,  create a false choice. They are evidence that he has ignored the advice from some of Canada’s brightest minds, who for the last 25 years worked on the convergence […]

Divestment’s impact goes beyond the money we move

Banking on Divestment, a recent article in Alternatives Journal, explains how Canadian university students are demanding that their schools stop supporting fossil fuels. The article illustrates the important ripple effect that divestment from fossil fuels can have. “The dollars are important but the economic impacts extend far beyond this,” says Cameron Fenton […]

Fossil fuel investments and the need for risk disclosure

Jason Thistlethwaite talks about our new era of risk disclosure and risk governance for the fossil fuel industry – and the implications for insurance and investing. In this video from CIGI (Centre for International Governance Innovation), “Jason Thistlethwaite, Director of the Climate Change Adaptation Project at the University of Waterloo, joins […]