good news

Image of divestment protestors and hand grabbing money from fossil fuel sources

University of Waterloo Board considers call for Divestment after Environment Students’ Divestment Vote

University of Waterloo Board considers call for Divestment after Environment Students’ Divestment Vote By Yonatan Strauch @ydstrauch Why divest from fossil fuels? For most students at the University of Waterloo’s Faculty of Environment that question answered itself. When a group of us with Fossil Free UW campaigned to divest the student-funded endowment […]

Regenerative Capitalism

Our economic system is broken; it’s unsustainable. John Fullerton, the founder and president of Capital Institute recently explained to a packed auditorium at the Centre for International Governance Innovation that the core assumption of how we generate our prosperity no longer works. Capital Institute is “a collaborative [that is] working […]

Green growth chart

Fossil Free Funds outperform!

Analysis of returns over the past 5 years shows that “investors who have dumped holdings in fossil fuel companies have outperformed those that remain invested in coal, oil and gas”. This recent article in the Guardian newspaper highlights analysis by MSCI, the world’s leading stock market index company, which found that “investors who […]

UBC Faculty Urge Board of Governors to Divest!

  The lead up to Global Divestment Day is seeing unprecedented progress in the development of Divestment Campaigns across Canadian campuses. On Tuesday, faculty at the University of British Columbia (UBC) voted in favour of divesting completely from fossil fuels within five years! This is not an insignificant gesture. According […]

University of British Columbia logo

The world market has ’embraced’ renewables and so should you!

    Amory Lovins explains in this video how the market place is falling in love with renewables. “Solar power is scaling up even faster than cell phones.”  Since 2008, half the world’s new electricity generating capacity has been renewable.  Lovins demonstrates how the lower cost, lower risk, and scalable mass-production of […]

Kiss Off Big Carbon!

Rolling Stone magazine knows it’s time to break up with fossil fuels, as Tim Dickinson explains in his January 2015 article The Logic of Divestment: Why We Have to Kiss Off Big Carbon Now.  “As climate-change activists pressure public institutions to dump their fossil-fuel investments, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the right thing […]

Stanford Professors Urge Withdrawal from Fossil Fuel Investments

  Prominent Stanford faculty call on the university’s endowment fund to pull out of all fossil fuel investments, not just coal.  Last May Stanford, which controls a $21.4bn endowment, eliminated direct investments in coal mining companies, making it the most prominent university to cut its ties to industries that cause climate […]