Breaking Up with Fossil Fuels: a Love Letter Contest!

DivestWaterloo_BUWFFTo celebrate Global Divestment Day and Valentine’s Day, Divest Waterloo is hosting a letter writing contest, in collaboration with Alternatives Journal (A\J) and CREW-WR.

Write a love letter to renewables or a break-up letter to fossil fuels (or both) and discover why so many people are falling in love with Divestment.  Have some fun and help to create awareness about our urgent need to transition to a low carbon economy. Winners will receive cash prizes and online publication with Alternatives Journal (A\J), Canada’s environmental voice. See details on our event page.

Listen to a CBC radio interview with Laura Hamilton of Divest Waterloo discussing the contest and why divestment is so important – click HERE. If you would like to hear more about divestment on the CBC, please consider commenting on the interview (email, tweet @cbckw891 or

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